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  • Rob Philion, Managing Partner

Bridge Loans - Providing Safe Passage

The "Oh My God" Bridge in Costa Rica is a thing, and apparently it's as creaky and as dangerous as it looks. BUT, it also gets you from one side to the other, somewhat safely, when you don't have many other options.

Not the most charming way to describe a bridge loan I suppose, but accurate in the sense that most bridges are meant to cure something, right? A maturity...a delinquency...a contingency...a covenant...And on and on.

Whatever the issues may be, bridge loans solve problems. And those solutions can sometimes be a little creaky ("You need to close in 5 days? Sure. Buckle Up.") and a little dangerous - At the risk of being hyperbolic, the stakes are often very high (deposit monies in jeopardy, property seizures, opportunity cost, etc).

So if you need a bridge loan, call us and leverage our experience and our diverse platform of bridge lenders, who are not only used to traversing these tough passages, but are really good at it.

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