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  • Writer's pictureRob Philion

Small Businesses Have Much to be Thankful For

People who own and work in small businesses have much to be thankful for, such as, in no particular order...

Being in business: In this post-Covid world when not a few small businesses went out of business--just look at the empty offices and vacancy rates in your area--the fact that your business is still in business is a huge thing. Yes, entrepreneurship can be tough, but that said, the fact that you still have a business to run, one that makes money, pays the bills, employs people (or not), and strives to do right is no small thing.

Great employees: Small businesses are sometimes more like a family than a business, and that makes working for a small business both a wonderful and at times infuriating thing. But for the small business owner, having people around who help us live the dream and who are committed to the cause is a reason to give thanks. Employees are on the front lines of any business and remembering all they do, and being thankful for that, is and should be at the top of any small business owner's thankfulness list every year..

Loyal customers: It is difficult to say whether employees or customers are more important in the long run. Of course, customers keep us in business, but then again, so do employees. That said, at a time when customer loyalty is not what it once was, when customers often value price over service, that you have loyal customers is a true blessing.

Your family: The fact is, we could not do what we do without the love, encouragement, and support of our loved ones. So we are also especially thankful for our friends, partners, and children who give us the wide berth necessary to carry out our entrepreneurial visions.

Opportunity: I recently saw a statistic that more overseas entrepreneurs still choose to move to and start their businesses in the United States than in any other country. Why? You know why. Because we have an incredible entrepreneurial climate and history. Because we love small business. Because hard work and a good idea can still take you far here.

The chance to make a difference: Owning a small business is no easy thing, but the vast majority of all small business owners would do nothing else. We are privileged to get to do what we do, to make mistakes, to fail, to succeed, to help ourselves and our families, to support our team and our community, and to keep trying to make a positive impact on the world around us.

Article written by Steve Strauss for

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